Oliver Bennett

Property News

The well-connected home sells faster

Good connectivity such as a strong mobile phone signal and fast wi-fi connections, can increase your home's buyer appeal
9 Nov 2013
Where to live

Suffolk: the cultural coast

Suffolk has attracted affluent weekending second-home-owners for years now and with a growing creative scene, this cultural coast is rapidly becoming more appealing
9 Nov 2013

From hated to feted

Some of the most reviled buildings in London are now emerging from the architectural wilderness to take their place among the greats again
9 Nov 2013

A modern take on the family home

Innovative young architects are taking a fresh look at the way we live
9 Nov 2013
Where to live

Suffolk: the cultural coast

Suffolk has attracted affluent weekending second-home-owners for years now and with a growing creative scene, this cultural coast is rapidly becoming more appealing
9 Nov 2013